Over the past year and a half as I have incorporated video content into my business offer I have tried to up the level of quality for my videos and make them stand out. There is a reason the overhead recipe videos and photographs format is so popular, they are easy and inexpensive to shoot.
I have noticed that brands who stick to this formula have a hard time differentiating themselves from their competitors. The format looks the same no matter who is shooting it. The lighting is usually flat and the appetite appeal is non-existent. Granted, these videos are fun to watch, they are quick and easy. Most of all they are much less expensive to produce than a traditional beauty spot. The earned media outweighs the need for it to be pretty. Can we do better?
It’s no secret that brands must embrace video into their content streams. If they do not they are missing out on more than half of the audience on the web.
As a food photographer for over 17 years, I have seen a lot of trends come and go. What is in style now will soon be out of style. In order to stay ahead of the curve, my philosophy is to create videos that not only show how to make a recipe but videos that are also beautiful, cost effective, drive traffic and sales.
Here is an example of a quick recipe video of Broiled Oysters, shot for my client FultonFishmarket.com. They hire me each month to produce and edit four recipe videos. As an added value I also capture still photos for their Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media feeds. I shoot, style and edit the videos. This allows me to pass the cost savings to my clients. My workflow assures clients peace of mind that they will always have content to promote.
If your company wants to produce videos but thinks the cost is out of reach, give me a call. I can explain how it works, what you get for your budget and how to elevate your presence on the web. There are cost-effective ways of getting your message to a wider audience. I have partnered with innovative companies that create a real audience of loyal followers who will share your content for free. No fake likes, no non-existant Instagram followers. Real prospects that enjoy your brand and are happy to share your content. If your interested in seeing how it works give me a call at 212-868-8049 or email me at bill@billbradyphotography.com